Sunday, September 26, 2010


Well, this pregnancy was a HUGE surprise. Shane and I were not trying to conceive and we thought we were done having babies. I had given away most of my maternity clothes and baby items. We were happy with our family of four, but I guess God had a different plan in store for us...WOW is all I can say!

So this pregnancy has been a lot tougher and very different from my previous two pregnancies. This is the first time I've ever had morning sickness, or should we call it all day nausea with a pounding headache. I told Shane it's like I've had a hangover for 3 straight weeks without the big party, ha! And things are moving along a lot quicker. I already have a little pudge in my belly and my right leg's varicose veins are already back in action...both happening MUCH earlier than when I carried Chase or Ethan.

Also, the doctor's office called a couple weeks back with my blood test results. They told me my hormone levels were really high...and I think Shane can verify that. I have been a bit moody, but I attribute that to the shock of this pregnancy and not feeling well at all. He thinks I'm just hormonal....

I'm hoping to feel better soon, as taking care of Chase and Ethan while feeling this way has been a struggle. Every time I tell Chase I don't feel good, he responds with "Again"?! Poor baby! Hopefully this will pass soon and I'll be back to my old self again soon!

Brothers hugging

Poor Chase goes through some terrible, painful growth spurts. This is him after crying for a while because his knee hurt from one of his growth spurts. Once I set him up in his "special" position with his special ice pack, he perked up.

This was Ethan's first night to sleep with a pillow...he looks like such a big boy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today I took Ethan to the Aquarium to meet some friends. Chase had school today, so it was just the two of us, but we will go back again when Chase gets a day off in October.

Ethan had a really good time and seemed to be interested in all the fish, but especially the parrots. He kept pointing and talking. Should be lots of fun to bring him back to the zoo as well!

I took a picture with Ethan in the shark's mouth today at 18 months old

Chase and I in the same pose for Chase's 1st Birthday...what a chunk!

Here are some more pictures from today with Ethan

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

18 Months and More!

Today our little EJ turned 18 months old. It has been an amazing year and a half and we can't believe how much of a personality our little guy has developed. What used to be our laid back and easy going baby has turned into a MAD man with quite a temper and a very strong goofy side. He is hysterical, extremely opinionated and pretty smart. He is completely unaware of his age and is constantly trying to keep up with big brother.

We took Ethan's 18 month lamb picture tonight to compare to his 1 year lamb picture.

Here are some other pics we took of EJ tonight, and yes, his shirt says what you think it does!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ethan's 1st Day of School

Last Friday, Ethan started his first day of school. He goes to a Mother's Day Out from 9-1. It's just 4 hours a week, but it gives mommy the chance to go run errands while Ethan can play with his friends instead of being stuck in a grocery basket. He cried when I dropped him off and again when I picked him up, but the teacher said he did okay. He was kind of shy (which is very unlike our little EJ), but enjoyed dancing during music time (sounds more like the Ethan we know)!

It's Who Dat Time!

Beach Family Vacation

We took the boys back to the beach for Labor Day weekend. This was the first time Chase went in the ocean. The first day he just kind of played where the waves crashed. By the second day he was walking to the sandbar and swimming like a fish in the Gulf. It was so great to see him have fun! He would grab his kickboard and head to the waves and say, "Surf's Up, Dude"! It was hilarious!

Ethan enjoyed his inflatable pool on the beach and seemed to like throwing the sand. Both boys still enjoyed the pool, and overall we had a really nice vacation.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Recent Pics

Trying to get both boys to smile at the camera at the same time is nearly impossible! The second picture is Ethan's "Cheese" face that he makes almost everytime I break out the camera. He makes that face while saying, "Cheeeeeeeeeese"!

Playing with cousins Jalyn & Rylie