Yes, we're still here and I'm still very pregnant. Nothing much to report. I lost my mucus plug (I know...what a disgusting word) last Friday, March 6th (over a week ago) and I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. In one week, I progressed from a tight 2cm to a nice 2cm and I was 50% effaced. I even lost a pound which had me really excited because my older sister told me that she lost a little bit of weight right before she went into labor with her kids. However, that didn't seem to be any indication for me.
I have another appointment on Monday, but I have not really been feeling much action going on. In fact, I felt more at 26 weeks than I do now. My hopes of having this baby any day now are dwindling and I'm afraid I will go past my due date!
Today was the St. Patty's march in the Irish Channel. This year was very special because both Shane's dad and uncle were honored as men of the year. However, this was the first time in 12 years that Shane missed the march. Since I didn't plan on attending the parade, it left Shane without a sober ride back home to the northshore and the weather was pretty awful today, so he opted to stay home and help me with Chase instead. I couldn't believe it. I told him not to miss the parade for me and that I would call him if anything progressed with the baby, but he felt more comfortable staying close to home.
Luckily we did get some last minute "To Do" items scratched off the list today before the baby arrives. I think we're about as ready as we can get. The only thing I am missing is the baby's coming home outfit and that's just because I'm waiting for the shipment to arrive at the store.
That's all for now, but hopefully I will have some more news on Monday after my doctor's appointment!
On a side note, I have a new respect for mothers who have multiple children close in age. I don't know how you do it! Being this pregnant while running after a 2 year old is so exhausting. Every night I have to jump in bed as soon as I put Chase to sleep and prop pillows under my back and legs. What a physical beating, phew! I almost think that having a newborn and a toddler will be easier than being 9 months pregnant and having a toddler, but I don't want to jinx myself.... God bless all you mothers!!!
3 weeks ago
Come on, little baby! Nannie has a week off from school!!
I know those last few weeks can be so miserable! It is exhausting, but really God gives you what you need. I sleep really well now :) and they are so worth it!
What a sweet hubby to give that up and stay with you. I can't wait to see pictures!
WE missed ya'll at the parade this year, but soo understand why you weren't there! :) The year I was pg with the girls I had a baby shower on the day of the parade, bc I knew I couldn't make it out there all day!
I loved Logan's newborn period! If I'd had that pregnancy and that newborn period the both times, we'd be having more babies. I was tired... but he was so much easier than Libby had been as a newborn and I could cuddle him. I think the key for me was keeping up with routines and getting out. Family in the first couple of weeks is especially helpful in keeping big Sib occupied and unaware that your attention is tied up with a newborn. The rough period for Libby was, I guess, the 2-4 or 5 month period. Logan was more aware and fussing for me more. Libby was like WHAT??? and acting out for attention. I had to pull back and reorganize my time in such a way that they each had mommy time. But once Logan started smiling and giggling at Libby.. that was it! She was fine ... she was the center of the world again. lol.
You'll be fine! Cannot wait to see pics!!!!
oh and don't be surprised when you come home from the hospital and Chase's head looks enormous. I swear the toddler head looks huge when you've just delivered a newborn. lol. It goes back to looking normal after a few days. ; )
What's he waiting for!?!
C'mon, we're ready!
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