Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring Concert

Last night was Chase's end of school Spring Concert. Chase did so great. He sang all the songs and did all the hand motions. He was so adorable dressed in his button down shirt and khakis, he looked just like daddy.

Chase and his new favorite toys

The boys playing together

Ethan on the computer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hair cuts & Dancing

A couple of weeks ago, I took both Chase and Ethan to get a haircut. This was Chase's 1st big boy haircut where they buzzed his hair. He looks so much older and very much like his daddy!

Ethan has been dancing up a storm lately. It's so funny to watch him. He's got 3 different dance styles: the "Elaine" from Seinfield, the "Chicken Nod" where he throws his head back and forth and the "Hands in the air, shake your bootie" to the music. I haven't been able to catch the "Elaine" on video yet, but it is by far the funniest thing you've ever seen! I don't even know how his little body moves like that. One morning last week, I tried hard to get him to dance on the camera, but he won't break out the moves for the camera like he does in person. Here are two short clips of him shaking it.

Ethan's other new tricks are waving bye bye, clapping his hands and playing beek-a-boo. He can say quite a few phrases like: Dadda, What's That, Where's Chase, Uh Oh and Thank you. It's so cute to hear him talk with his sweet little voice. He can say Mamma, but he rarely says it...usually when he's crying for me to pick him up.

My Sleepy Boys

Ethan's Silly Hat

Chase took this picture all by himself. I know it's not the best pic of either Ethan or I (no makeup, getting ready to go to the gym), but I was impressed at how he managed to get both of our heads in the picture. Not too bad for a 3 year old!