Baby McCarthy should arrive by dark tomorrow!!!
I had a doctor's
appt today and this time I had Shane come with me so we could discuss all our options. With only two weeks of school left for Ethan, I was starting to get nervous about when the baby would make it's appearance and if we would have any time to settle in before summer.
Also, I have been extremely uncomfortable lately and sleeping is pretty much non-
existent...all which makes for a very cranky mommy.
At my appointment today, the doctor said I had progressed a little more and was in great conditions to induce. I would have liked to give the baby a little more time to come on it's own, but my doctor would be unavailable from Thursday
thru the weekend (darn Jazz Fest). So we opted to go ahead and schedule the induction for tomorrow. This also makes it easier to prepare for being away from home and to talk to Chase about what will be happening the next couple of days.
Very excited!!!!!