Tuesday, May 1, 2007

9 Months!

Today Chase turned 9 months old. When we tried taking his monthly lamb picture, he gave us quite a challenge. Our little man wants to walk so bad, he thinks he's such a big boy :-)


Jamie said...

He gets cuter and cuter every day! Happy 9 months Chase!

Justin and Lisa Rhodes said...

WOW - He is such a big boy! I am still amazed at how fast they grow up!

Sherry said...

He has such a great smile! He is quite the handsome little guy!

steele family said...

Happy 9 months Chase! It is amazing how much he has grown in the last 3 months. He is such a cutie!

Bridget said...

Happy 9 months! He is getting big! And cuter and cuter every day!

Stephanie said...

Happy 9 months, Chase! He's precious!

Adrienne said...

Adorable as always! I love those shorts he's wearing. Happy 9 months!