grow and learn new things. He hasn't been sick in a while, but I guess all good things must come to an end.
Yesterday I left work early to go to an ENT. I have a bad sinus infection and wanted to get a shot and some meds to clear it up. After I left the doctor, I went to pick Chase up from school. Melissa told me that he was burning up with a fever of 102. I took him to the doctor today. They found puss pockets on his throat so they tested him for strep throat...that came back negative. Then they tested his white blood cell count, and that came back okay. Dr. Gioe said it's just a viral thing and to give him Tylenol and Motrin until it passes (and if he still has the fever in 3-4 days to go back).
Tonight I took Chase's temperature before I gave him his bath and it was 103.3!!! My poor baby! I feel so helpless.
But I was able to get 2 pictures of the Big Boy smiling today, which made me happy.
By the way, when they weighed him today, he rang in at 22lbs and 13 ounces!!!!!
Poor Chase! I hope he feels better soon.
Poor guy! Those viral things stink...I hate when they're sick and you can't do anything for them. Even though he's feeling bad he's still so darn cute!!!
Poor baby! Hope this passes quickly!
Emily had one of those crummy viral throat infections a couple of weeks ago. No fun. Get well soon, Chase!
Get well soon Chase! You could never tell he was that sick, he looks so happy.
I'm with kerri, he does look like he's feeling bad. Still has that great smile! I hope it clears up quick!
Big Boy! No more calling Rylie "Tubs".
Hope he feels better soon. :)
oh no! I hope he gets to feeling better soon. However, he looks pretty good in the pictures :)
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