Saturday we went over to the Bourgs' house for pizza, dessert and a LOT of football games! Yesterday we took Chase to breakfast after church and then went to Baton Rouge for Hayden's first birthday party. (Sorry, I forgot my camera for both events).
Last night the girls in our neighborhood must have played with Chase for hours!!! He loved every minute of it. I think I am going to adopt a 7 year old girl just to have constant entertainment for Chase :-) They must have tired him out because he slept until 7:00 this morning...which is a rare thing around here!
Poor thing, hope he's feeling better now. He looks like such a little man playing with those girls.
You know, a friend from our playgroup lives close to an elementary school and hired a 5th grader to be a "mother's helper" ... she comes over for a couple of hours after school to play with her daughter while she gets stuff done around the house and works on her dissertation (she's a phd candidate). Pays her a couple of bucks an hour. Works out good for the 5th grader's mom too, I think. ;)
Hope Chase is feeling better! Poor baby!
Where did you go to breakfast? We went too. At one point, I saw a car that looked like yours but it wasn't you.
Hope he feels better!
sinus infection or not, the kid is so darn cute!
hey, will you please add my friend, Jill, to your blog? She loves following the Chase man.
POOR Baby! He looks miserable in that first picture. At first, I thought he had had an allergic reaction to something - we are pretty in-tune to rashes at my house!
Hope he's feeling better!
Poor baby! Hope he's feeling better. Gotta love the neighbors! Our 7 year old next door neighbor makes Taylor laugh like no one else can. They have so much fun together.
I need one of those too!!! Could we just borrow them every once in a while too???
Hope little Chase man is feeling better!
His eyes looked glossy when we saw him last. Is he better yet?
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