Ethan turns 8 months old today. So much has happened over the last couple of weeks. He is officially crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up on everything to stand. Shane had to lower his crib today because we kept finding him standing up in his crib. I feel like he is growing up way too fast. I can't believe he is mobile already and I'm afraid he will be walking way before I am ready!
Ethan is still a very happy child. He laughs at everything and has the sweetest smile. He says "Dadda" all day long and loves to screech at a very high pitch when he's excited.
Like his big brother, Ethan seems to enjoy eating. His belly is so big and adorable! Baby puffs can just about solve any problem. As soon as he sees the container, he opens his mouth and sticks his tounge out like a puppy dog.
Happy 8 Months, Ethan...Go Saints 10 & 0!
Pulling up on the toy box to stand by himself
Good Morning, Bed Head (before we lowered his mattress)
Play time with Daddy
Wagon ride
On our wagon ride the other day, Chase just started singing "Jingle Bells" for the first time ever. They must be learning some Christmas carols at school. It was so cute! Ethan is in the background playing the drums (kicking his feet in the wagon).
3 weeks ago