Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chase's 4th Birthday!

Sunday was Chase's 4th birthday, but we celebrated all weekend long. Saturday was his birthday party. We decided to keep it small this year and only invite the friends he requested (a few buddies from school and camp). We had the party at Young Chef's Academy and all the kids were able to make their own pizza's and we had an ice cream sundae bar instead of a cake. It took Chase a little while to warm up. Chef Nicole kept him in the center of attention and we all know how much Chase does not like that. His social anxiety issues were in full force for the first 30 minutes of the party, but then he ended up having a nice time.

He told me he was going to wish for Buzz Lightyear when he blew out his candle, and boy did he get it. It seems like the theme of his 4th Birthday was Toy Story!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The birthday pictures are adorable.