Well, it didn't take long, my first fender bender in our new tank. Not even two months old and I already hurt our car. While trying to pull into a parking spot at the hosptial before my nonstress test for the baby, I hit another parked car. Shane is being very supportive, but I'm pretty upset. I know it could have been worse, but my poor new car! Luckily the owner came to his car while I was there and he was extremely nice. It is his work car, so it didn't seem to bother him too much. Although the damage on my car looks worse than his, I managed to break his brake light, back bumper and side bumper so I'm sure it will be pricey to fix his car. Then with our car's damage on top of that, ughhh, looks like we will be claiming it on our insurance, sigh.
Besides this incident, we had a relatively good morning. Both boys slept until 6:30 and woke up in great moods. There was no whining or fighting this morning. And a big surprise...Ethan made me take off his diaper so he could sit on the little potty. He was just playing like he always does, but while he was doing this, Chase came into the bathroom and made peepee on the big potty and immediately Ethan made peepee in the little potty! I was so excited! Potty training may be coming soon!!!
At my doctor's appt, everything looked great. No more bleeding, still only 1 cm dilated and I am having fewer contractions now than I did the past several weeks. Doctor said I can come off bedrest, but I still have to take it easy and no strenous activities with the kids. I think I can handle Chase, but my little Ethan is a bit more difficult. Counting down the days until we meet our new little monkey!