The good news is that this morning we took Chase to have some 1 year portraits taken. I want a 16 x 20 posed wall portrait of each of my children when they turn a year old to hang in my home (yes, I do plan on having more kids one day) :-)
I can't wait to see the pics, I get to pick up the proofs on Wednesday.
Now the bad news. I took Chase to his follow up doctor's appointment today. He was supposed to have his ear re-checked from an ear infection he had a couple of weeks ago. I knew the infection had cleared last week because I had it checked when I took him back to the doctors for a rash he had (yes, we pretty much live at the doctor's office). The doctor said everything looked great.
Well, I noticed he felt warm this afternoon. When I took his temperature, he had a fever of 102. When they checked his ears today, the left ear was pink and the right ear was bulging it was so inflamed. YIKES, I had no idea!
So Dr. Gioe said that since this was his 4th ear infection since March and that they get worse every time, we need to go see an ENT and Chase will probably need tubes in his ears.
I am wondering if they are able to put him under for the tubes as well as when he has his surgery in October. Is it safe to put such a young child under anesthesia twice in such a short time frame???
I know things could be a lot worse, but I just feel like my poor sweet pea can't ever catch a break. He is such a happy baby when he is feeling well, that it breaks my heart to always see him so sick.
I will be sure to keep you all posted on the ENT visit. That appointment is scheduled on August 1st...Chase's 1st birthday. Poor Baby!
4 weeks ago
Poor Baby! He will be so happy when all of his surgeries are done.
Poor baby! Sorry he's feeling so rotten.
The tubes procedure is done under anesthesia... and is quick. We used to have kids in and out in under an hour (procedure is only like 15minutes). Our anesthesiologists just used gas (no iv). Usually it was done at the off site surg center, rarely at the hospital unless that surgeon had to be there for another case.
For the other he'll probably be sedated too, plus they'd use a local numbing med. That's what they did in our amb surg. We would have placed an iv for that one, but it would placed it in the OR, after baby is put to sleep by the mask. The little ones his age wouldn't even notice it post op.
talk to his doctors to see how they do it there.... but I hope that helps ease your mind some. I'm sure he'll be fine.
good luck.
Oh! And cannot wait to see his portraits!
AWW poor thing...hope they can do it at the same time for you!
I can't wait to see his pictures. Sorry to hear about his ear infection. Both Hudson & Ella had trouble with ear infections and both have had tubes...they are WONDERFUL!!! Neither one of them have had any problems since their tubes. It is a very easy & quick procedure....and almost no "down" time afterwards. They do have to go under anesthesia, but it's very such a short time. I would talk to the ENT, but the only thing about waiting until October is he could continue to have ear infections and they usually only worsen. I had a friend who saw an "old school" pediatrician and he kept putting off tubes. She finally saw an ENT and they discovered the child already had some hearing damage because of continued chronic ear infections. Good thing is they did tubes the next day and they think he should recover his ear loss. I hope Chase gets to feelilng better very soon. It's awful when they feel bad....especially those yucky ear infections....they hurt!!
Opps, the little boy I was talking about will recover his hearing loss, not ear loss....sorry!
I'm so sorry that he has been feeling bad! I hope he gets better soon. If he does need tubes, I know he'll do great!
Oh, poor Chase! He's been thru so much his first year. I bet next year will be much better. Good luck with the ENT visit.
Michele, I work for 2 ENTs. Putting tubes in is not a big procedure. Every doctor is different, but you may want to ask if both procedures can be done at the same time. I know my docs have done that (I know that it all depends on facilities, schedules, etc., but they may be able to do it for you). Good luck!
Poor baby, hope he feels better soon. I can't wait to see those pictures!
hey dont worry about it, its a procedure that alot of kids (and adults like myself lol) have to do. the tubes help alot, its well worth it! Good luck!
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