Wednesday, July 16, 2008


christy said...

he looks like conner bourg naked on the slip n slide:) glad y'all had a good time. i think chase's 1st job will be at starbucks, but i don't think the customers will get any service bc he'll just drink the coffee.

Julie and Tory said...

Looks like fun! Glad to see Chase sleeping in the car instead of throwing up.

Can't wait to see y'all this weekend. Tory is very excited.

JStraughan said...


christy said...

i was thinking the same thing as julie about sleeping in the car. how did it go with all the driving around?

NIKKI said...

Loved the naked pic!!! TOO FUNNY! Looks like a fun trip!!!

thevargasfamily said...

I personally love the pic of Chase in the dog cage, I think you've already made a comment, why get a dog, we already have Chase. Even more true now.