Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year was a GREAT Christmas. Chase's excitement on Christmas morning made the entire day so wonderful and I wonder why I was ever a grump preparing for this moment. He woke me up at 6:00 am talking extremely fast saying, "Mommy, mommy we got to hurry and see the presents Santa brought. I just know he came because I was such a good boy, let's go, let's go...."!

I let him open his stocking but we waited on the Santa gifts until Ethan woke up an hour later! Poor Chase was dying to see if Santa left him any presents (they were locked in the playroom so he couldn't see anything).

Chase was really into every single gift, but Ethan preferred to play with whatever gift Chase just opened. We had an amazing morning and a great time visiting with both families.

Merry Christmas everyone! (I have a video that I will post eventually....)

Sharing the slide:
Ethan rocking out on his new horse...he's a wild man on that thing!
Chase playing with his new Tag books:
Baking a cake for Baby Jesus:
Posing next to Santa in their new Saints & Southern Miss outfits from MawMaw & Pops:
Santa's Loot:
Posing by the tree the morning of Chase's Christmas Program:
A rare family pic with just Ethan:
Chase before his Christmas Program:
Fun times in the bath:

1 comment:

Gina Ferrara said...

your sons are so precious! ethan looks like a little michele with blonde hair on top.

my girls (well, sable) is really into baby Jesus this year and Ruby wants to be Mary, LOL.