Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hornets Game

Tonight Shane and I had an awesome experience. Shane's company's law firm gave Shane and a coworker of his two court side tickets to the Hornets game. Fortunately for me, his coworker couldn't make the game, so I got to go in his place.

The seats were on the court, the first row, only two chairs from the half court line. Shane said the only better seat in the house are the owner's seats. I still can't believe how lucky I was to be able to sit there.

The players were so close you could feel the floor shake when they ran up and down the court. We had VIP parking that was literally 20 steps to the arena's door plus a free buffet dinner before the game.

Hugo the Hornet came and sat on my lap before the game and Shane & I just took it all in. What an amazing game!!!!

Shane and the view from our seats:
Shane & Belinelli throwing in the ball (I actually had to scoot back to fit this in my camera's view, he was practically standing on my feet)!
Me after the game standing in front of my seat on the court. I was still very excited, but one tired mama:

1 comment:

Gina Ferrara said...

that's so fun! we miss living in a city with fun entertainment (well, the Gators have not been fun entertainment this year!)

chase is right :), you look beautiful in all 3 progression pics. i thought the same about me--i looked so much younger when i was pregnant with sable than baby #3 and it's only been 4 years since my first pregnancy.

excited to see what you have! this time around i kind of wish i knew. i love shopping for my girls and coordinating outfits so it's been a sacrifice to not find out but philip wants to be surprised again since it is SO much fun.